Banned forever on chobots!

Today I was banned forever because of some guy who I think mangaged to hack chobots and had the powers of a mod while he had these powers he took the mick out of fishalate and kicked him out the sever untill he was banned now fishalate is banned forever I may not use chobots again as they do not reply to my complaits or anything there trading styem is rubbish too so looks like its back to club penguin.

4 Responses to Banned forever on chobots!

  1. monogoo says:

    Hey im monogoo i didnt know that you could be banned forever and be an agent. Sweet. plz vote on my pole if you havent yet. Cya

  2. Emma Murphy says:

    That no fair on fishalate [you] and the world [cause u help the world get along] also whoever did that should be banned instead of you!


    ur frend flutterberry

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